Week 28: Mele Kalisimasi from Tonga

We counted down the days to be able to see and talk with Elder Sasaki. We were set up to talk with him on Christmas Eve at 4pm AZ time.


Not all the missionaries had access to videochat, so we were VERY grateful that we were able to see his face and hear his voice. He sounded happy, he sounded a little older. His knowledge of the language was the best part! Hearing him talk with Grandpa Niu was great. We couldn’t believe how well he spoke Tongan. He seemed very natural with it. It was fun to hear stories of different things that has happened. We met his companion and another missionary.

He said that he received a couple of Christmas packages from Aunty Tiana and Grandma and Grandpa Sasaki . . . he’s still waiting for ours. Aunty Teuila (mom’s aunty) and her daughter Kathy went by last night and dropped off some food to Tyler and his companion. He was very grateful for that. We talked about the Christmas Zone Conference that we got see live on FB. His zone, the Hamoni Zone did a funny skit. He was very proud of his zone : ) It was fun to talk about different missionaries that he knew, and that mom knew their mother’s via FB. Later today his plans were to go with his companion to paint the inside of someone’s home.


He sounds like he’s enjoying his mission. He loves his mission president. It was a sad moment when it was time to say good-bye . . . mom cried. We love him and are so proud of the work he is doing there.

Ofa Atu Elder Sasaki.

Week 27: Tongatapu Christmas Zone Conference

It was really cool that the families of all these hard working missionaries in Tonga got a glimpse of them having a fun time. Elder Sasaki’s mission did a live stream on FB of their Christmas Zone Conference.


President and Sister Tuione did such an awesome job with their crew of missionaries setting up a fun conference for these Elders and Sisters to enjoy. We got to see Elder Sasaki a couple of times. It was cute seeing all the missionaries wave at their moms, who were hopefully able to view it, and wish their families a Merry Christmas. They all looked happy and well.


The whole conference was shown. This is Elder Sasaki’s zone —- Zone Hamoni. Each zone participated in the program. His zone did a funny skit that involved singing. It was funny and entertaining to watch. Thanks to some wonderful donations, each missionary was able to receive a little goodie bag from the conference. Elder Sasaki said it was filled with snacks, hand sanitizer, and some other little things. That’s awesome that they were each given a kahoua (lei).

Can’t wait for Christmas!!!

WEEK 26: Vaini Stake Conference

Hey mom.

I lost my camera, but I’m gonna try and find it later.


 Yeah that pic was at Stake Conference. President Makai told me “hey i thought you were in Vava’u and I told him, “no that’s next transfer remember”, and he was like, ” yeah you’re right”.
This morning I was eating rolls and I thought about those sliders (you make) haha. We got meat pies and all that here. I love them haha. I usually eat lu sipi (sheep), it’s okay the best Lu is Lu pulu (corned beef). Lu moa (chicken) is not that great. No I’m not sick of Lu.
So right now we are teaching another kid which is tough because they don’t remember and they don’t pay attention. I was thinking of buying candy and asking her questions at the end of the lesson, and if she gets it right she gets the candy. Next Monday we’re are going to teach this lady from Chicago she’s with the peace core and she’s going to be in Vaini for the next two years as an English teacher, she doesn’t know Tongan so we’re gonna teach her in English.
My only options might be to Skype or call at Christmas. I told them i was gonna Skype.
Yesterday we had had singing practice as a zone, cause each zone is singing at our Christmas party. After the practice we surprised Sister Pupunu, who finishes this week with a little party. It’s like her finishing party haha.
We prepared the high council room with a bunch of decorations and stuff and we ate and talked and stuff.
yeah I’m excited to talk to everyone too.
I think my companions form has been changed to Missiona Tonga.
Love you guys
P.S. I found my camera.